Snugg Keyboard & Case for iPad Mini

Snugg Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard and Case*, £34.99: The Snugg UK (HERE) | The Snugg US (HERE)

I know Le Beauty Girl is a beauty & fashion blog, but technology is honestly my Achilles’ heel! I get more excited about Apple launches, than Chanel launches – and that says something, doesn’t it? The hubby and I recently got an iPad Mini and it’s amazing; we had the original iPad, which was great, but a bit bulky and heavy to carry around, so it’s nice to have the iPad mini to take with me on my train journeys and I can blog on the go! One thing that really helps typing on the iPad, is a wireless keyboard, which is exactly what I have to share with you guys today.

Snugg Keyboard & Case for iPad Mini

This is the Snugg Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard and Case, which is compatible with the iPad mini. It’s really lightweight and it adds hardly any bulk to the iPad when the case is attached to it. The keyboard/case has an aluminium finish with white keys, which actually reminds me of the Apple wireless keyboard; the only difference is, the keys on the Apple one are a bit softer when pressed.

Snugg Keyboard & Case for iPad Mini

The Snugg Keyboard & Case was designed with a stand built in, which fits the iPad mini perfectly and makes it easier to type without having to balance the iPad somewhere else. The keyboard is battery operated and it also comes with a USB charging cable; it charges in 2-3 hours, but according to the User Guide, you can use it for over 80 hours uninterrupted or 90 days on standby without charging it.

Snugg Keyboard & Case for iPad Mini

Using it was really easy! Turn it on, press the connect button and turn your Bluetooth on your iPad; the iPad will recognise the keyboard and will ask you to type a code into the keyboard. Hit enter and you’re ready to use it. Simples! I found it really easy to use the keyboard and it made writing long emails and blog posts on the go a much more pleasurable task. Because this is essentially a wireless bluetooth keyboard, it can be used with other Apple devices as well, which is quite handy! But chose wisely, as you can only pair it with a maximum of 3 devices.

Snugg Keyboard & Case for iPad Mini

The keyboard is a case in itself, so it saves space when travelling with your iPad mini and the keyboard, and it keeps both of them protected. However, once the iPad was secure into the keyboard/case, I did find it a bit difficult to remove it without damaging the case or scratching the iPad; I wouldn’t recommend fully attaching the case to the iPad, unless you’re travelling and you won’t be using the iPad for a while. Also, the case only protects the front of the iPad, so the back is susceptible to scratches and dents.

Snugg Keyboard & Case for iPad Mini

Overall, I’m really happy with this little gadget! It’s a life-saver when writing long emails on the go, as the on-screen keyboard can get a bit annoying sometimes. It’s well built and easy to use, very lightweight and cute as well! I think this would make a great present for anyone that has an iPad, especially for the ones that haven’t quite got used to the touch screen technology – mum, I’m talking to you! By the way, it’s her birthday tomorrow, so Happy Birthday, mum! :)

  • Product: Snugg Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard and Case for iPad Mini
  • Price: £34.99
  • Where: The Snugg UK (HERE) | The Snugg US (HERE)

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